Dear 12 year old

 Age is just a number a person measures age with. However a person's age has nothing to do on how they are measured. A person is measured on what their character is like, on how they live in life, in the success is earned, and by the respect gifted by peers. So at the age of twelve the realization that life is harder than it was perceived to be. Things like respect, character, and success aren't what motivates a kid at earlier points in life. Now at the age of twelve work starts to become harder. Though it seems stupid right now this is what will prepare you for the rest of your life. As the work keeps getting harder the success you earn becomes more prominent. The character that you didn't even know you had shows and as you get older the respect from your success will give gifts that you didn't even know you desired.
I learned this as a young child that if you work hard enough at anything than you can be the best at whatever it is you're working on. Hard work will grant you the spoils that you can't even imagine of. You see this is your life and it can be whatever you want it to be. I'm trying to live my dream out and your life is the dream that you can live in any way you want as long as you work hard. Success, character, respect, and the way you want to live. That is happiness to my extent of knowledge just as you will learn what your's is one day.


  1. Great advice Mr Kitto! I could've used it when I was a youngin'. LOL!

  2. I agree. Character and respect are the strongest qualities that a person should strive to have.

  3. This is very true. When I was around 12 I began to notice that work was getting hard.


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