
Showing posts from September, 2017



What does it mean to me or to the person I am writing to? The question I ask for every word that I type. The Narrative that I am currently editing is a reflection that I hope everyone can see themselves in. My focus is for the meaning of a statement made by me. Saying that Life can be what ever you make it only by the drive and work that the person is set to do. Theis is a focus of what it will you mean in your own life? What will you do? What will you be? Will you suceed to be average or will you be something more? Will you let go of the things that you have no control of and focus on the things you can control? These questions are the drive in my paper. I am set out to write something that everyone can understand. A universal narrative that works with everyone. Though my grammar and punctuation still needs work and my word may not be spelled correctly. All these words mean something and make up the meaning of writing.


       Syd walked into the room with a look of extreme anguish on his face. Ty exclaims,"Why the long face brah?". Syd states, "Man all these questions and stuff. They just keep on racking my brain.". "What type of questions?" Ty says with a calm tone. "Just about life and the stuff that may or may not happen." Syd stated. "Like why do I do the things I do or why I care about things that are just flat out stupid, you know?" Syd said very quickly. "That is some heavy stuff but I don't know?" Ty said to the air. " Hey brah just talk to me after class and we may figure this out."Syd said.     As the boys set out on the long, grueling journey that is Dr. D's English class. A thought entered Syd's mind. "Que pasa?" said Ty in his newly learned Spanish taught by Mrs. Clouatre. "Yo man I just figured the deep stuff out."said Syd excitedly. "What

Comments:Week 4

Dear 12 year old

 Age is just a number a person measures age with. However a person's age has nothing to do on how they are measured. A person is measured on what their character is like, on how they live in life, in the success is earned, and by the respect gifted by peers. So at the age of twelve the realization that life is harder than it was perceived to be. Things like respect, character, and success aren't what motivates a kid at earlier points in life. Now at the age of twelve work starts to become harder. Though it seems stupid right now this is what will prepare you for the rest of your life. As the work keeps getting harder the success you earn becomes more prominent. The character that you didn't even know you had shows and as you get older the respect from your success will give gifts that you didn't even know you desired. I learned this as a young child that if you work hard enough at anything than you can be the best at whatever it is you're working on. Hard work will

Mint Snowball R.R

In a book what is more important the feeling of the book or the feelings of the author. Mint Snowball is one of the few narratives that both seem to matter. The author's story tells about something that effects her life yet she has never witnessed or used any of her senses towards the item which is of course the mint snowball that her father exclusively made. Life is a strange thing that can be affected by even more so strange things. As in this story a mint snowball that is non existent effects someones whole life. It is the feeling of emptiness that has caused such a monumental change. That space of not knowing in the mind is the epicenter of the conflict is. The fear of the unknown, it drives the author to revolve her whole life around this one thing. Her mind beautiful yet scared due to this. All the things that she has done and effect her like  the things she has not done. This is a testament to the phrase that you will regret the things that you didn't do in life than th

Plague:The Discovery

Imagine the most delicious food you can think of, imagine it to the best picture in your mind, then destroy the idea of ever eating it. Hunger has always been a problem in Perido Beach until the kids sought after the food they could obtain by hunting, fishing and growing. The food is limited to fish, deer, artichokes, cabbage, and the few canned foods that are left. As people in this class we can't imagine having this type of diet plus the limited intake of water due to the weather patterns being predictable(their is no weather, thats why the weather patterns are predictable). Low water, the best mutant hunter dead, and food that is hardly satisfying to a regular person, Naturally in this situation the citizens send Sam out to find water at the newly discovered lake but as in this life and theirs the most random things happen to get in the way. First the swarm Bates(Snakes that have wings and a bacterial parasite that eats away at your body)which Sam to destroy. Then a child nick

Week 3 comments

1. - Affects of Hurricane Katrina 2. - Affect of Hurricane Katrina


Some of the biggest events in our history are the tragedies that have happened to the people of United country. At this date we are between two of the most ambitious and destructive attacks to our country, 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. I wasn't born during what was the most destructive and deadly terrorist attacks of the 21st century but I was during Katrina. My dads side of my family are all from New Orleans, even now the storm effects my family. The amounts of water that destroyed the living areas, humans and animals, was like if Mother Nature had committed a cultural cleansing on the city. My Grandparents were under 13 feet of water. My uncles were under even more. The way of life had ben destroyed. The culture cleansed but the spirit of the people of New Orleans was still alive and this created the determination to rebuild and re focus. The storm gone and the cities rebuilt but we still feel Mother Nature's panegyric stare.

The better Man

Yo we back so lets get started. If you have been flying you know the feeling of flying. Of being weightless. Thats a feeling I get to experience every time I run. Its like I'm floating. Weightless like a feather. This one track meet I was feeling better than I have ever felt . I pulled up, hopped out the Range, and went straight to the track to size up my comp. The thought comes out when see these guys running like death was chasing them. I do my warmup ignoring the fact of these guys speed. As always I try to looks cocky as I can to psyche out the competition, I strap on my custom New Balance sigmas and I get the line. I liked ready to outrun a plane. The gun sounds and we are off in the 400 meter and It looked even for maybe for the first 200 meters. Most people try to slow down for the last leg but I instead sped up. I had a thought come into my mind that made me want to be the best. It gave me the determination I needed. When I finished I had bested my personal best by 2 secon