
Some of the biggest events in our history are the tragedies that have happened to the people of United country. At this date we are between two of the most ambitious and destructive attacks to our country, 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina. I wasn't born during what was the most destructive and deadly terrorist attacks of the 21st century but I was during Katrina.
My dads side of my family are all from New Orleans, even now the storm effects my family. The amounts of water that destroyed the living areas, humans and animals, was like if Mother Nature had committed a cultural cleansing on the city. My Grandparents were under 13 feet of water. My uncles were under even more. The way of life had ben destroyed. The culture cleansed but the spirit of the people of New Orleans was still alive and this created the determination to rebuild and re focus. The storm gone and the cities rebuilt but we still feel Mother Nature's panegyric stare.


  1. I love your word choice to really draw the readers in. I am very sorry that much of your family was affected by the storm.


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