Summer Reading

       A book and a word have major difference but one is nothing without the other. Lies is one word but it means 1 million more. A book called lies would usually would talk about lies. Not this book. This book deals with a cause and an effect and the truth that has not been told. Sam the main character has told the lies that he thinks will help. Astrid tells the lies to help the kids of Perido Beach. Orrsayy the Prophet or say she says is tricked y the lie of darkness. But which lie is right or are none of them. The truth shall set you free or so they say. Seven months after the death of Sam’s enemy Drake and he still feels the pain. His PTSD, the lies, and all the weight of helping everyone. Will he survive his emotional war or will he got caught in his own. One thing is for certain though. Lies will come back to haunt you and so will Drake.

The second book I read during the summer is Blood Red Horse. We all chase after that one thing that we want more than anything. But since we are talking about book what the character wants is different. 1185  when the story begins and when the war just started. The knights of the Crusade go to defend their own taken fortress of Constantinopal. This plays into the wants of one William DeGranville who's father is one of those knights as well as his older brother Gavin. But you can only be Knight with 3 things one being a sword the other a fair maiden, and lastly a horse. Will gets these things but what he want changes. He has one horse who eats more than anything to him. He chases after it when he shouldn't he fights on its back even when the war is at it hardest.water runs and so does the blood red horse


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