
What does it mean to me or to the person I am writing to? The question I ask for every word that I type. The Narrative that I am currently editing is a reflection that I hope everyone can see themselves in. My focus is for the meaning of a statement made by me. Saying that Life can be what ever you make it only by the drive and work that the person is set to do.
Theis is a focus of what it will you mean in your own life? What will you do? What will you be? Will you suceed to be average or will you be something more? Will you let go of the things that you have no control of and focus on the things you can control? These questions are the drive in my paper. I am set out to write something that everyone can understand. A universal narrative that works with everyone. Though my grammar and punctuation still needs work and my word may not be spelled correctly. All these words mean something and make up the meaning of writing.


  1. I think that your narrative topic seems pretty interesting. I did mine of the topic of change, but the questions you ask make it seem more enticing to me.

  2. That's really deep. I like it.

  3. I think this is a very interesting topic. I ask myself those questions all the time.


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