The better Man

Yo we back so lets get started. If you have been flying you know the feeling of flying. Of being weightless. Thats a feeling I get to experience every time I run. Its like I'm floating. Weightless like a feather. This one track meet I was feeling better than I have ever felt . I pulled up, hopped out the Range, and went straight to the track to size up my comp. The thought comes out when see these guys running like death was chasing them.
I do my warmup ignoring the fact of these guys speed. As always I try to looks cocky as I can to psyche out the competition, I strap on my custom New Balance sigmas and I get the line. I liked ready to outrun a plane. The gun sounds and we are off in the 400 meter and It looked even for maybe for the first 200 meters. Most people try to slow down for the last leg but I instead sped up. I had a thought come into my mind that made me want to be the best. It gave me the determination I needed. When I finished I had bested my personal best by 2 seconds. The thought I believe came from the motto I adopted. "I'm tired of reading and seeing the vents of better men" which gives me the drive to be the nest man that people read about.


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