Free Post: First Quarter Vibes

So here the first quarter ends this week and so this is my last blog post for this quarter. It is hard to explain the trouble and benefit these blogs have brought me. I sometimes look back at my previous blogs and either think "Good Job." or "What was I thinking?". Kinda like the memories we have of our younger selves doing things that are completely outrageous. I can speak for all of my peers and say that when we heard we had to write these things, our faces were straight as a student should be but on the insides, we were crying like a kid who had just lost its favorite toy.
I did eventually learn though that the more of these I wrote the better a writer I became. I went from writing like an uncoordinated zebra to writing like a writer. So basically all these blogs have helped me be a better writer. All the work, all the late nights of delirium still trying write about a story that barely makes any sense made me a better writer. As strenuous as these are they help and that is what I'm hoping our teacher wanted.


  1. Christian this free post was a really good read for me. I love the smilies and metaphors that you use in your post. Finally, Im glad that the blogs are helping you to become a better writer.

  2. As Mr Pontif said, great similes and metaphors! Great Free Post.

  3. I like the whole blog about blogs thing you have going on. It gives me a nostalgic vibe. It seems like a good time for self reflection.

  4. I thought that this was a well-written blog, and relatable, since we all blog.


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