Lotf Response

So as all normal people would feel after these last few chapters. The feeling of utter shock and disbelief of the atrocities committed by these kids. In the beginning, we see the immaturity of not having any adults. We have all felt that freedom before but never for such a long time like this. BEing exposed to so much stress both mentally and physically. It has an affect on adults, but it becomes a game to children.
So much mental illness is expressed. Roger, a sociopath, kills Piggy with a rock. We remember his attempts at hurting the littluns with rocks already. Then there is Jack acting like an immature tyrant. He thinks he is the greatest thing due to his mask and his knife. But if you take that away from him all that would be left is a scared little child with no physical or mental features to gain anything for him. Lastly, we have the thing that affects all the kids. Fear. The fear of death, the fear of the beast which seems to be deaths emissary. But it isn't the island that gives these kids the erotic behavior. It is the time they spend on the island. Time heals all wounds, but it can also open new ones just as we have seen in this book.


  1. All the kids had fear and slowly go insane. This blog explains this message thoroughly and is well written.

  2. Good job explaining how the kids felt. Well thought out blog post Christian.


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