Vocabulary Post

   At school life is different. It is a series of classes and social interactions throughout an 8 hour day. Knowledge is extrapolated every day for the betterment of our lives. Though times that betterment comes at a price. Prices like the effrontery by classmates or even teachers in an extreme situation. 
   Not all of these things come at a price. Instead, laws take the place of anarchy. Cheating and purgery are rightfully placed so that a student may maximize the learning experience. The freedom that comes with a life without pastiche comes with this teaching.


  1. Your blog sounds as if it were written by a professor! Your words are very interesting.

  2. This blog has some complex words that I had to look up. Overall, it is a nice post, just a little short.

  3. Wow. This was amazing. I don't really know what your words mean, but they sound like they were used well.

  4. This post was well written. I like how you used more complex words that were not in your vocabulary work.

  5. Wow, great blog! You have some hard vocabulary James Christian!


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