
Showing posts from November, 2017

Free Post

The difference between cultures and cities within our country never really jumped out at me until this break. I have been all over the world, islands, countries but I never really have been anywhere significant in our country. This break I went to Northwest Arkansas and it was insane. I started noticing the differences in the land. The land was like God sculpted it, rough and perfect. Plus the elavation made the air thinner and it was easy to breathe instead of the humidity ridden air we have down here. And then the culture, everyone supported each other just as much as they support the Razorbacks. Now I am one to love Lsu's football life but in Arkansas it was like one unit, one single body instead of the disorderly chaos of down south. I love the disorderly chaos though, it is what I am growing up threw but I will not deny the beauty that is the mountains, lands, places, and people of that state.

Draft Thesis

In my thesis, I talk about the conflict between Ralph and Jack and how they are opposites. "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill its blood." Now, this quote is one of the darkest in this book. I chose it because it shows how different Jack and Ralph are. If you think about Ralph and Jack as two groups(Two Tribes), you see that one seeks blood and one seeks the preservation of life. Jack has the power of his knife and mask. If you take those away from him then he is nothing but and I'm just stating what the book says about him-" he was a tall, thin, and bony; his hair was red beneath the black cap. His face was crumpled and freckled and ugly without silliness." You look at Ralph however you see the power in looks, size, and prowess. All he needed was himself instead of the objects Jack needs.

Comments Q:2 W:5

Lotf Response

So as all normal people would feel after these last few chapters. The feeling of utter shock and disbelief of the atrocities committed by these kids. In the beginning, we see the immaturity of not having any adults. We have all felt that freedom before but never for such a long time like this. BEing exposed to so much stress both mentally and physically. It has an affect on adults, but it becomes a game to children. So much mental illness is expressed. Roger, a sociopath, kills Piggy with a rock. We remember his attempts at hurting the littluns with rocks already. Then there is Jack acting like an immature tyrant. He thinks he is the greatest thing due to his mask and his knife. But if you take that away from him all that would be left is a scared little child with no physical or mental features to gain anything for him. Lastly, we have the thing that affects all the kids. Fear. The fear of death, the fear of the beast which seems to be deaths emissary. But it isn't the island tha


I take the first step to make sure the ground under me is not the water that my thoughts are swimming in. Waking up is more of a challenge when nightmares ravage my brain. Both of my feet caress the cold floors. Looking down I see my feet all the way to my chest. The skin is getting its pigment from the blood rushing through my body. The one constant thing on me was the chain and pendantt that never leaves my body. It was my mothers before she died from cancer. It is the only thing that brings me peace. It is her with me always. I finish looking at the silver star on my chest and walk to my bathroom. "@#$%!" I exclaim. walking in the dark is not the best idea. While nursing my newly stubbed toe, the monster or thought that haunts me decides to frighten me a little more by noncheluantly stepping out of the shadows. It is just a trick in my mind. Just the manifestation of the worst parts of me. It is black as night in my room but i still get to my feet and continue to walk.

Q2 W4 comments

Vocabulary Post

   At school life is different. It is a series of classes and social interactions throughout an 8 hour day. Knowledge is extrapolated every day for the betterment of our lives. Though times that betterment comes at a price. Prices like the effrontery by classmates or even teachers in an extreme situation.     Not all of these things come at a price. Instead, laws take the place of anarchy. Cheating and purgery are rightfully placed so that a student may maximize the learning experience. The freedom that comes with a life without pastiche comes with this teaching.

LOTf responses

I found in this book that all things have to mean even the grass the children walk on. The life they have formed is quite unnerving due to the fact of it being rotated around killing and saving. The interesting thing that I found was the fact that Ralph and Jack are complete opposites. We all can see the tension is rising between them, but that is not what I am referring to. I am referring to the actions they make. Of course, we all know the primary differences. Ralph's looks and Jack's serious ugliness. But it is the what they intend to do is what interest me. Ralph's main focus is that of saving and making sure that every child is safe and will get home. Jack's main focus is one. He wants to kill. He wants to hunt. It is this where you must ask the question to yourself. Would you look to save or kill in a most stressful environment?